Start Up
Starting a company with a compelling story or investment opportunity? These free resources are here to help you succeed. While targeted toward startups, the resources are equally helpful for established organizations that want to launch a new product or an existing product into new markets.
Acorn Pass can help with training or consulting.
For startups, consulting might be free or even come with an angel investment.
Are your starting a new business venture?
Would you like some free resources to help?
You found the right place!
Manage Projects
A lightweight approach to managing anything.
Sprints made simple.
Kanban: Now, Next, Later
Accomplishments & backlogs
Relentless innovation with just enough structure to stay organized.
B2B Marketing Strategy
Business To Business (B2B) marketing is not the same as business to consumer (B2C) marketing. There is a lot of overlap, but the differences matter. One way to build, manage and communicate your B2B marketing strategy is with a three-document system that our principle honed over decades of entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and successfully launching products in commercial and government organizations.
Document your product
Generate and Curate Leads
Document your audiences
Executive involvement is critical to managing cyber risk. Don't let your startup fall prey to cyber criminals. Stay ahead of the pack!
Industry Accolades
A National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reference.
30 Cybersecurity Books To Deepen Your Knowledge - Auth0
100 Best Cyber Security Books of All Time - Book Authority / Cyber Magazine
What are the best coding books for cyber security? - Quora
What are the best resources to learn cybersecurity online in 2021 - Great Learning